global key_type

def generate_key():
  # key type 1, AKA Pi Mode:
  if True:
    import mpmath
    import re
    key_type = 1 = 1050
    un_scrubbed_pi = str(mpmath.pi)
    pi_str = re.sub(r'[^0-9]', '', un_scrubbed_pi)
    return pi_str, key_type

  # key type 2: Try replacing the text "Try replacing me!"
  #             Be sure to leave the quotation marks or it won't work!
  if False:
    key_type = 2
    new_key_generated = ""
    new_key_str = "Try replacing me!"
    for i in range(len(new_key_str)):
      char_to_ascii = ord(new_key_str[i])
      #print(f"{new_key_str[i]} converted to ascii: {char_to_ascii}")
      new_key_generated += str(char_to_ascii)
    return new_key_generated, key_type

  #key type 3
  #use alternate keys
  if False:
    key_type = 3
    new_key_generated = ""
    with open('key3.txt', 'r') as file:
      content =
      splitted_data = content.splitlines()
      clean_content = ''.join(splitted_data)
    new_key_str = clean_content
    for i in range(len(new_key_str)):
      char_to_ascii = ord(new_key_str[i])
      #print(f"{new_key_str[i]} converted to ascii: {char_to_ascii}")
      new_key_generated += str(char_to_ascii)
    return new_key_generated, key_type

  # key type 4, Math.Pi Mode for demonstrating limitations:
  if False:
    import re
    import math
    key_type = 4
    pi = math.pi
    un_scrubbed_pi = str(pi)
    pi_str = re.sub(r'[^0-9]', '', un_scrubbed_pi)
    return pi_str, key_type

def encrypt_phrase(phrase, key):
  # FIXME re-write all of this to use vague language FIXED
  encrypted_phrase = ""
  for i in range(len(phrase)):
    ascii_char = int(str(ord(phrase[i])))
    plain_char = chr(ascii_char)
    print(f"ascii_char {ascii_char}\nplain_char: {plain_char}")
    key_char_plus_ascii = int(ascii_char) + int(key[i])
    new_plain_char = chr(key_char_plus_ascii)
    if key_char_plus_ascii > 126:
      mod_loop = key_char_plus_ascii % 126
      key_char_plus_ascii = mod_loop + 32
      print(f"mod loop {mod_loop} mod loop {key_char_plus_ascii}")

    character_encrypted = chr(key_char_plus_ascii)
    digit_key_added = int(key[i])
    print(f"digit_key_added: {digit_key_added}")
    print(f"key_char_plus_ascii {key_char_plus_ascii}\n new char: {new_plain_char}")
    encrypted_phrase += character_encrypted
  return encrypted_phrase

def de_encrypt_phrase(phrase, key):
  de_encrypted_phrase = ""
  for i in range(len(phrase)):
    ascii_char = int(str(ord(phrase[i])))
    print(f"ascii_char {ascii_char}")

    if ascii_char <= 32:
        mod_loop = ascii_char % 126
        ascii_char = mod_loop + 32
        print(f"mod: {mod_loop} and ascii char {ascii_char}")

    key_char_minus_ascii = int(ascii_char) - int(key[i])

    character_de_encrypted = chr(key_char_minus_ascii)
    digit_key_subtracted = int(key[i])
    print(f"digit_key_subtracted: {digit_key_subtracted}")
    print(f"key_char_minus_ascii {key_char_minus_ascii}\n")
    de_encrypted_phrase += character_de_encrypted
  return de_encrypted_phrase

def main():
  key_str, key_type = generate_key()
  print(f"Key type: {key_type}")
  print("Generated Key:", key_str)
  print(f"key length {len(key_str)}")

  while True:
    your_phrase = input(
        "What is the phrase you want to encode? Q to quit. D to decode. ")
    if your_phrase == 'Q':
    elif your_phrase == 'D':
      while your_phrase != 'E':
        your_phrase = input(
            "What do you want to decode? Q to quit. E to encrypt. ")
        de_encrypted_phrase = de_encrypt_phrase(your_phrase, key_str)
        if your_phrase != 'D' and your_phrase != 'E':
          print(f"Decoded phrase: {de_encrypted_phrase}")
        elif your_phrase == 'Q':
        elif your_phrase == 'E':

    encrypted_phrase = encrypt_phrase(your_phrase, key_str)
    if your_phrase != 'D' and your_phrase != 'E':
      print("Encrypted Phrase:", encrypted_phrase)

if __name__ == "__main__":